中高口二阶段口试:热点话题 学习总结
The soft and vibrant contours of the emblem of Asian Games in Guangzhou form a silhouette of the torch-like Statue of the Five Goats. The design, a combination of the concrete and the abstract, of grace and finesse, symbolizes the sacred, forever burning flames of an Asian Games Torch. Therefore, the Emblem perfectly represents Guangzhou and good wishes of its people.//
The theme of “Thrilling Games, Harmonious Asia” shows Asian Games in Guangzhou will be a thrilling and vibrant gala. People in Guangzhou as well as the rest of China hope the Asian Games is to promote friendship and build a harmonious Asia, an Asia which transcends differences in race, nationality, religious beliefs and language.//
房地产市场 real estate market/ property market
房地产市场过热 overheated property sector
投机性房产交易 speculative property transactions
房地产泡沫 property bubble
房价 property price/ housing price——注意不是house price
普通购房者 private homebuyer——注意是private,不是ordinary
观望态度 wait-and-watch attitude——合成词做前置定语
炒房者 real estate speculator
房产中介 real estate agent
首付 down payment
分期付款 payment by installment
月供 monthly installment payment
廉租房 low-rent housing
经济适用房 affordable housing
闲置地产 vacant property
现房 complete apartment
期房 forward delivery housing
商品房 commercial residential building
二手房 second-hand house
政策性住房 policy-related house
按揭购房 buy a house on mortgage
购房契税 property deed tax
印花税 property stamp duty
楼层建筑面积 floor space
容积率 capacity rate
停车位 parking space
住房公积金 housing accumulation fund
房产证 property ownership certificate
房屋空置率 housing vacancy rate
商业地产 commercial property
住宅地产 residential property
商住综合楼 commercial and residential complex
地段等级 location classification
旧区改造 reconstruction of old area
Water is the source of life and the link that binds all living beings on this planet. It is connected directly to all our United Nations goals: improved maternal and child health and life expectancy, women\'s empowerment, food security, sustainable development and climate change adaptation and mitigation. Recognition of these links led to the declaration of 2005-2015 as the International Decade for Action "Water for Life".
Our indispensable water resources have proven themselves to be greatly resilient, but they are increasingly vulnerable and threatened. Our growing population\'s need for water,for food, raw materials and energy is increasingly competing with nature\'s own demands for water to sustain already imperiled ecosystems and the services on which we depend. Day after day, we pour millions of tons of untreated sewage and industrial and agricultural wastes into the world\'s water systems. Clean water has become scarce and will become even scarcer with the onset of climate change. And the poor continue to suffer first and most from pollution, water shortages and the lack of adequate sanitation.
The theme of this year\'s World Water Day, "Clean Water for a Healthy World", emphasizes that both the quality and the quantity of water resources are at risk. More people die from unsafe water than from all forms of violence, including war. These deaths are an affront to our common humanity, and undermine the efforts of many countries to achieve their development potential.
The world has the know-how to solve these challenges and become better stewards of our water resources. Water is central to all our development goals. As we mark the mid-point of the International Decade for Action, and look forward to this year\'s MDG Summit, let us protect and sustainably manage our waters for the poor, the vulnerable and for all life on Earth.