
英语翻译 2019-07-18 09:45:13 140

Apart from 9-year compulsory edu and general higher edu,there are many other forms in China.The aim of which is to provide those who for reasons fail to receive higher edu with a second opportunity to be educated.According to the statistics from Chinese Edu Ministry,there are 168600 people having gained the diploma of associate undergraduate or undergraduate through exams since 1986.A majority of them is playing an active role in all walks of life and making their due contribution to our society.



4、concept:founder/Father/pioneer/predecessor奠基人 classical edu古典教育

 Teaching according to one\'s aptitude因材施教 Edu is classless有教无类 exam-oriented应试教育

 quality-oriented素质教育 cramming teaching method填鸭式教育

老师tutor,mentor导师,instructor,master 学生disciple门徒


1、Introduction of seienic spots,tourist attractions:Fire:volcano,eruption,lava熔岩,

ash火山灰 Earth:cave洞,grotto窟,tombs陵墓(群),mausoleum单人墓,cliff/precipe悬崖,

mountains山脉,peak顶(峰),hill丘陵,basin盆地,plateau高原,highland高地,plain平原 e.g.Mount Huang黄山


water-side pavilion水榭,temple,church基督教堂,cathedral天主教堂,chapel礼拜堂,abbey修道院,

mosque清真寺 Water:spring,well,cascade/waterfall瀑布,canal运河,



2、Description of scenery:scenery,landscape山水总称,views,vista城市

MS:(1)doing/done (time) (2)with n. doing/done (scenery) prep. n.拥有,随着,凭借(3)sentence/subject v. object (emotion)


1、Strolling in Jinzhaigou in May,with the streams winding,merry birds singing and breeze touching your cheeks,one feels like heaven.


2、With the wild geese flying  south and withered leaves gone with the autumn wind,seeing this,one gets homesick.

steep,precipitous雄奇险峻,峻拔突兀 sparkling波光粼粼 a wide expense of misty water烟波浩渺 transparent清澈见底的 mountains beyond mountains山外有山,重峦叠嶂

In heaven there is a paradise,on earth there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.上有天堂,下有苏杭

The trips to the Five Mountains make those to the rest unnecessary,and the trip to Huangshan,Mountain makes those to the Five unnecessary.五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳

Guilin\'s landscape tops China and Yangshuo\'s Guilin.桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林

I would like compare the West Lake to a beauty who looks perfact in both heavy and light make-up.于把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜

Mount Tai belittles the rest of mountains.会当凌绝顶,一览众山小


HW:位于江苏省著名旅游城市镇江的乾隆御花园,相传是清朝乾隆年间乾隆皇帝七下江南时修建的,供其与其嫔妃避暑而用。漫步园中,小桥流水,湖石假山,亭台楼阁,相映成趣,令人心旷神怡,流连忘返。Qianlong Imperial Garden,located in Zhengjiang,a renowned tourist city in Jiangsu Province,is said to be built as a summer resort for emperor Qianlong and his concubines in Qing Dynasty.Strolling in the Garden,with bridges and waters,lake-side rocks and rokeries,pavilions,terrace,mansion and tower,matching/ed harmoniously,one feels soothed and relaxed,reluctant to leave.

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