
英语翻译 2019-08-14 06:13:11 138

Japan says it will shut down reactors at the Fukushima-1 power plant by the end of the year. The announcement comes despite revelations that a natural disaster in March damaged the nuclear facility worse than earlier believed.

日本表示,将在今年年底关闭福岛核电站的一号核反应堆。在上述计划宣布的同时,有消息披露, 日本三月大地震对核设施的损毁要比早前认为的更为严峻。

Serious troubles continue to beleaguer the operators of the Japanese nuclear power plant in Fukushima prefecture that was crippled by an earthquake and tsunami. But Prime Minister Naoto Kan told parliament Monday the damaged reactors will be shut down sometime this year.


Kan says the timeline for bringing the four damaged reactors into a state of cold shutdown will not be changed. He insists that will happen in six to nine months.


That timetable is consistent with a plan Tokyo Electric Power Company announced one month ago. But since then it has become apparent that the reactors suffered worse damage than earlier thought. The number one reactor, it is now acknowledged, suffered a meltdown soon after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami devastated northeastern Japan.


Japanese experts say the fuel rods inside the reactor were fully exposed to the air and melted. However, the fuel apparently dropped to the bottom of the containment vessel, preventing it from going into a full meltdown stage.


Recent attempts to keep the reactor cool by filling the containment chamber with water have run into difficulty. The power company, known as TEPCO, says thousands of tons of highly radioactive contaminated water have leaked through holes created by melted fuel into the reactor basement.


TEPCO is scheduled to release a review of its shutdown plan on Tuesday.


On Sunday, the utility acknowledged that the fuel cores of two additional reactors at Fukushima-1 had also been substantially damaged and cooling water is leaking.

星期天, 这家公司承认,福岛核电站的另外两个核反应堆的堆芯燃料棒也遭到相当的损毁,冷却水也在泄漏。

High radiation levels near the units are hampering critical repairs as workers can spend only a limited amount of time there to avoid overexposure.


The world’s worst nuclear accident in a quarter of a century was triggered by the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and huge tsunami that devastated Japan’s northeastern Pacific coast. Police say 25,000 people were killed or are still missing.

日本东北部太平洋沿岸发生的9级地震和巨大的海啸导致了这场大约四分之一个世纪以来全球最严峻的核事故。 警方说,大约25000人在地震和海啸中死亡或是失踪。

Concerns about radiation emanating from the plant forced the evacuation of numerous communities.


On Sunday, thousands more residents beyond the previously established 20-kilometer evacuation zone left their homes. Authorities say atmospheric conditions have raised long-term safety concerns about radiation levels in their towns and villages.


About 80,000 people were initially forced out of their homes within the original no-go zone. They have yet to be informed when they might be able to reside there again.


Analysts say the nuclear crisis alone could cost Japan between $50 billion and $100 billion. Beyond that, the country, which has been in the economic doldrums for years, needs to figure out how to pay for the equally significant cost of rebuilding hundreds of coastal communities that were washed away by tsunami and other cities that suffered substantial quake damage. Some economists predict that will cost an additional $200 billion.

分析人士说,仅核危机一项就有可能给日本带来500亿到1000亿美元的损失。除此之外,由于沿海地区数百个社区被海啸冲毁,其他一些城市也在地震中也受到了严重损害,日本还需要想办法支付这些地方的巨大重建开支。 日本经济已经停滞了数年。一些经济学家预测, 重建灾区可能另外需要2000亿美元。

日本福岛核电站的处理 日本福岛核电站泄漏 福岛核电站 日本核电站 福岛核电站堆芯现状 福岛核电站现状 日本核电站福岛变异人 福岛核电站影响 福岛第一核电站核泄漏


