
英语翻译 2019-08-14 06:13:01 112

U.S. weather forecasters say the Mississippi River has risen to its second-highest level ever in the southern state of Tennessee, after unleashing major flooding in low-lying areas. Thousands of residents in several states have evacuated their homes along the Mississippi River as flooding - triggered by rain and melting snow -- has reached levels not seen in decades.

National Weather Service spokesman Christopher Vaccaro told VOA that the river surged above 14.5 meters Tuesday near Memphis - Tennessee\'s largest city. He said the waterway is projected to continue rising to more than 14.6 meters later in the day.That would be just short of the river\'s record crest of 14.8 meters more than 70 years ago. Vaccaro says the river is expected to hold steady at this level through Wednesday before gradually receding beginning on Thursday. President Barack Obama declared a major disaster in Tennessee on Monday, ordering federal aid to help state and local recovery efforts in the area. The state was also struck by severe storms and tornadoes last month.



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