
英语翻译 2019-08-14 06:12:55 78

Crucial legislation to finance Japan\'s post-earthquake reconstruction is at risk amid a political struggle over the timing of Prime Minister Naoto Kan\'s planned resignation.Leaders of Mr. Kan\'s Democratic Party of Japan said after talks with the prime minister Sunday that Mr. Kan wants to remain in office long enough to try to push the bills through the current session of parliament.

However, leaders of the opposition Liberal Democratic Party want Mr. Kan to resign sooner, saying the bills should be introduced by a new government that will be in place to oversee their implementation. The LDP controls the upper house and has the power to block the bills.Top officials of both parties said on national television Sunday they could support a grand coalition, which would remain in place long enough to deal with the effects of the massive March 11 earthquake and tsunami.



通过这次灾后重建 灾后恢复重建 灾后工作重建 灾后心理重建 灾后恢复重建计划 灾后经济重建机制 九寨沟灾后恢复重建 汶川灾后十年重建 因灾倒房重建申请


