
英语翻译 2019-08-14 00:13:06 103

The United States says Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has "lost legitimacy," while France has renewed its call for the United Nations Security Council to take action in the on-going crisis.In Washington\'s strongest condemnation of Mr. Assad since his security forces launched a violent crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in March, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the authoritarian leader "is not indispensable," and that the U.S. has "nothing invested in him remaining in power."

French Prime Minister Francois Fillon said Tuesday it becomes more difficult for Mr. Assad to remain in power with each passing day. He also told Europe-1 radio that the U.N. Security Council\'s "silence" on Syria has become untenable, and that Russia and China are blocking a U.N. resolution.Clinton condemned recent mob attacks on the U.S. embassy and the American ambassador\'s residence in Damascus, as well as separate assaults against French diplomatic missions in the country.She accused Mr. Assad\'s government of attempting to divert attention from its brutal domestic crackdown, and she demanded that Syria uphold international treaty obligations to protect foreign diplomats and missions. She also charged that Damascus has accepted aid from Iran to repress the Syrian people.Crowds of Syrians loyal to Mr. Assad surged into the U.S. embassy compound in Damascus Monday. Attackers broke windows, raised a Syrian flag on the grounds and wrote anti-U.S. graffiti on walls. The mob left after the brief incursion was pushed back by U.S. Marine guards.



巴沙尔 阿萨德 阿萨德尔 巴沙尔 阿萨德湖 叙利亚 叙利亚和伊拉克 叙利亚总统 阿萨德家族 叙利亚战况


