
英语翻译 2019-08-13 18:13:08 106

Egypt\'s ex-president Hosni Mubarak, brought into court in a hospital bed, has pleaded not guilty to charges that he ordered the death of hundreds of anti-government protesters. The judge in the case adjourned the trial until August 15 after Wednesday\'s dramatic session. News channels around the world broadcast the start of Mr. Mubarak\'s historic. The former president, who also faces corruption charges, is the first Arab leader to face a court in person since the so-called "Arab Spring" of popular uprisings swept across much of the Middle East and North Africa this year.
Mr. Mubarak was clad in white robes during the proceedings in Cairo, reclining on a hospital bed inside a large cage at the front of the courtroom built to house defendants.Crowds outside the building and watched the proceedings on a large screen, along with hundreds of police. At one point supporters and opponents of Mr. Mubarak threw stones at one another.Mr. Mubarak is accused of ordering the killing of nearly 900 people during the 18-day uprising for democratic reforms that led to his resignation in February. If convicted, he could be sentenced to death. He also is charged with corruption, abuse of power and squandering public wealth.

埃及前总统穆巴拉克躺在一张医院病床上出庭。他拒绝对有关他下令杀害数以百计反政府示威者的指控认罪。在星期三引人注目的庭审后,法官宣布休庭,8月15 日再次开庭审理。世界各媒体的新闻频道纷纷播放了穆巴拉克接受历史性审判的画面。穆巴拉克还面临腐败指控。他是自今年席卷整个中东和北非地区所谓“阿拉伯之春”的民众起义爆发以来,第一位接受法庭审判的阿拉伯国家领导人。

无罪判决 二审无罪 再审后宣判无罪 法院判无罪的情况多吗 改判无罪的刑事案件 法院判无罪谁的责任 一审有罪二审改判无罪 证据不足无罪的判决书 一审有罪二审无罪


