
英语翻译 2019-08-13 18:12:49 117

Chinese state media warned Monday that the joyful reception given the new U.S. ambassador in Beijing should not be mistaken for a solution to the two countries\' problems.Gary Locke, the first Chinese American to serve as U.S. ambassador to China, created a media sensation when he arrived of Friday carrying his own luggage and traveling from the airport in a modest car.

But the official Xinhua news agency, which labeled him "the backpacker," noted a number of problems that Locke will have to deal with, including strains over trade, military relations and the U.S. debt. It said Locke\'s mission will be "much heavier than the bag he carried on the way to China."The Global Times newspaper also noted Locke\'s modest arrival and described him as "possibly the most recognizable American ambassador to China in history." But it said his Chinese origins will not mean a softer stance when it comes to defending U.S. interests.



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