
英语翻译 2019-08-13 12:12:43 113

U.S. stocks advanced in early trading Friday -- and European markets soared -- at the end of a volatile week at exchanges throughout the world.
Asian markets ended mixed. But share prices in Britain, France and Germany all jumped near the end of trading for the week. Earlier, France, Italy, Spain and Belgium each banned the short-selling of stocks to calm market turmoil sparked by fears about huge debts accumulated by European governments. Short-selling is an attempt to profit by betting that a stock\'s price will fall.
In the United States, three benchmark indexes rose Friday, with the bellwether Dow Jones Industrial Average of 30 key stocks up more more than one percent. European and U.S. stock markets also rose sharply Thursday as traders drew encouragement from a better-than-expected U.S. jobs report, and a Friday report showed U.S. consumer spending advanced in July by the biggest amount in four months.
The Dow index ended up 4 percent Thursday, after plummeting almost five percent the day before, in a week of alternating days of huge losses followed by massive gains. The S&P 500 and the NASDAQ also closed higher Thursday. 

在全球股市经历剧烈动荡的一周临近结束时,在星期五上午的交易中, 美国股市上涨。欧洲股市在星期五的交易中大幅度攀升。
亚洲股市涨跌互见。但是, 英国、法国和德国股市在这周交易结束时都出现大幅度上涨。早些时候,法国、意大利、西班牙和比利时纷纷出台禁止卖空股市的禁令,以平息对欧洲各国政府累积巨额债务的恐慌所引发的市场剧烈震荡。

美国股市为何一直上涨 美国股市为什么长期上涨 美国股市下跌与中国股市 美国股市现什么在大涨 美国股市怎么样 美国股市 股市跟美国股市 美国股市涨了多少 美国股票


