
英语翻译 2019-08-13 12:12:39 111

The remains of U.S. soldiers killed in a helicopter crash Saturday in central Afghanistan are set to be returned to the U.S., as American officials say the incident will not derail the war effort.The remains are expected to arrive Tuesday at Dover Air Force Base, where the Defense Department says a ceremony will be closed to the media because the bodies are still being identified.

The Chinook transport helicopter crashed during an anti-Taliban operation in the remote Tangi Valley, killing 30 U.S. troops, seven Afghan commandos and an Afghan interpreter. The American troops include 22 personnel from the elite U.S. Navy SEALS.The crash is the worst loss of life suffered by U.S. forces in a single incident from the decade-long war.In Washington Monday, President Barack Obama said the loss of the 30 American troops is "a stark reminder" of the risks that U.S. forces take every day.


这架支努克运输直升机在偏远的坦吉谷执行反塔利班任务时坠毁,造成30名美军士兵、7名阿富汗突击队成员和一名翻译丧生。美军士兵中包括22名特战突击队队员。这一坠机事件是美军在长达10年的阿富汗战争的单一事件中遭到的最惨重的人员损失。星期一,奥巴马总统在华盛顿说,30名美军的牺牲“真实地提醒” 人们美国军队在阿富汗每天都面临着风险。

阿富汗美军作战视频 阿富汗 战争 阿富汗美军有多少 美军在阿富汗 阿富汗美军现在多少 阿富汗现在还有美军吗 现在的阿富汗 阿富汗打仗 美军阿富汗伤亡


