Tens of thousands of people are pouring out of Bangkok, attempting to escape floodwaters that are slowly swallowing the city.
Bangkok residents flocked to airports as well as train and bus stations Friday, while others were trying to drive their way out. Many headed south to areas of higher elevation.
Already, ankle-high water seeping from the banks of the Chao Phraya River has surrounded the city\'s iconic Grand Palace and officials worry those water levels will rise in the coming days.
Officials are bracing for the river to overflow its banks. The Reuters news agency said Defense Minister Yutthasak Sasiprapa was warning residents the flooding could last for at least two months. He told reporters Friday he wanted Bangkok residents "to accept the problem," adding the government would try to fix the situation.
Thai officials blame the country\'s worst flooding in half a century for 377 deaths.
They are also starting to measure the economic hit.
The Bank of Thailand Friday cut its projections for the country\'s economic growth almost in half, slashing it from 4.1 percent to just 2.6 percent.
泰国银行星期五将泰国经济增长预期降低将近一半,从4.1%减少到2.6% 躲避洪水 怎样躲避泥石流 梦见躲避洪灾 梦见山洪水冲向自己 梦见山洪水冲下来 躲避 梦见山洪水冲下来我没事 梦见发洪水逃生成功 梦见躲避大水