
英语翻译 2019-08-13 00:12:53 142

China says nearly 1,000 real estate outlets in the nation\'s capital have been forced to close this year, as a slew of new government restrictions on property sales continue to cool Beijing\'s once red-hot property market.The official Xinhua news agency reported the slowdown Tuesday, citing a survey by the real estate firm Home Link China.The survey said Beijing has seen more than 100 real estate storefronts close in each of several consecutive months. It said more than 70 percent of the shuttered stores were owned by small and medium-sized agencies.

中国表示 ,随着政府出台一系列限制房产销售的措施以冷却北京一度炙手可热的房市,北京今年已有将近一千家房地产中介被迫关门。新华社星期二引用中国链家房地产公司所作的一项调查说,北京住房市场放缓的消息。这份调查显示 ,北京每个月都有100多家房产中介倒闭,这种情况已经持续了好几个月。调查说,关门的售楼处中有70%以上属于中、小公司。

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