
英语翻译 2019-08-13 00:12:52 94

U.S. President Barack Obama has tied America\'s economic future to that of Asia, stressing that the United States is, and always will be, a Pacific nation.Concluding a summit of Asia-Pacific leaders in Hawaii Sunday, Mr. Obama focused on his efforts to reduce his nation\'s stubborn unemployment rate by doubling exports. He said the fast-growing Asia-Pacific region is key to that goal.

Mr. Obama said that during their talks in Hawaii, the 21 Asia-Pacific Economic Conference leaders agreed on steps to increase trade and encourage innovation, including simplified customs and tariff rules.He said the leaders have also agreed on ways to encourage clean energy technologies and phase out subsidies that encourage the use of fossil fuels blamed by scientists for climate change.



奥巴马 奥巴马的祖先来自哪里 特朗普的能力如何 芮成钢代表亚洲 芮成钢我代表亚洲 亚洲突然 芮成钢我想我可以代表亚洲 亚洲蹲 特朗普执政期限到哪年


