
英语翻译 2019-08-13 00:12:47 93

U.S. media say the U.N. nuclear agency has been provided with intelligence showing Iran has carried out work on developing nuclear weapons technology.The Washington Post reported late Sunday that according to Western diplomats and nuclear experts who reviewed the intelligence, Iran has taken key steps in overcoming technical challenges with the help of foreign scientists.

A former official with the International Atomic Energy Agency told the newspaper that the advancements include obtaining the design for, and testing of, a capsule of explosives used to trigger a nuclear explosion. The New York Times reports that officials briefed on the intelligence say Iran has a facility some believe is used to test such a device.The IAEA is due to release a report on Iran\'s nuclear program this week.Iranian cleric Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami warned IAEA chief Yukiya Amano Monday to not release what the Iranian leader called a report of lies, saying that would hurt the U.N. agency\'s credibility.



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