China and Japan say they have agreed to work toward developing a crisis management mechanism to head off future maritime disputes in the East China Sea. Officials say the agreement came Wednesday during a visit to Beijing by Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba, who met with Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and Premier Wen Jiabao. The trip was aimed at preparing the way for a visit to China next month by Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda.
Aides to Gemba said the Chinese also agreed to seriously consider easing restrictions placed on food imports from Japan following the March 11 accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
玄叶光一郎的助手说,中方同意认真考虑放宽进口日本食品的限制。中国在3月11日日本福岛核电站事故后对进口日本食品加以限制。 中日东海 中日东海对時 中日在东海方向 中日之间在东海存在 中日东海之争主要是什么之争 中日东海大陆架 东海中日中间线 中日在东海方向形成 中日东海争议面积