
英语翻译 2019-08-12 18:12:34 110

The United States and China have unveiled a radiation detection system at a Shanghai seaport as part of a global effort to prevent the illegal transport of weaponized nuclear materials.The system will provide comprehensive screening of cargo at the Yangshan deepwater port - one of the world\'s busiest.The move is part of a U.S.-led initiative to equip 100 of the world\'s biggest seaports with devices to scan about 50 percent of global shipping traffic by 2015.
At a ceremony to inaugurate the system, the U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration administrator Thomas D\'Agostino praised the commitment of the Chinese government to "combating nuclear terrorism." U.S. and Chinese officials have not always agreed on nuclear arms proliferation issues. While the two sides have have found some common ground in dealing with North Korea\'s nuclear activities, China is opposed to unilateral sanctions against Iran, which the U.S. says are necessary to halt the country\'s nuclear program.

美国和中国在上海的一个海港一同为一座辐射探测系统揭幕。这是一个全球努力的一部分,目标是防止武器级核材料的非法运输。该系统将对洋山深水港的货物提供全面检查,那里是世界上最繁忙的集装箱港口之一。此举是由美国主导的倡议的一部分。这个倡议要让世界最大的100个海港配备扫描设备,到2015年扫描约 50%的全球航运交通。

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