
英语翻译 2019-08-12 12:12:57 77

New trade figures released by the Chinese government indicate the world\'s second-largest economy is slowing. Monthly data released Tuesday by the Customs Bureau indicates growth rate for imports was 11.8 percent in December, about half the 22.1 percent increase in November. Exports increased 13.4 percent last month, compared to the 13.8 percent rise in November. China\'s trade surplus rose from $14.5 billion in November to $16.5 billion last month. The surplus was $155.2 billion for all of 2011, the third straight annual decline after reaching a record $298 billion in 2008.

China\'s economy has been affected by the European sovereign debt crisis and sluggish U.S. economy, which has cut demand for Chinese-made goods. Beijing has responded by reducing the amount of cash reserves banks must maintain in order to spur corporate lending.

中国政府公布的新贸易数据表明,这个世界第二大经济体的增速正在放缓。中国海关总署星期二公布的月度数据显示,12月份进口增长速度是11.8%,大约是 11月份22.1%的一半。12月的出口增长13.4%,低于11月的13.8%。中国贸易顺差从11月份的145亿美元,上升到12月的165亿美元。不过, 中国2011年总顺差为1552亿美元,在2008年创纪录的2980亿美元之后,已经连续下降三年。


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