
英语翻译 2019-08-12 12:12:43 90

Iran has dismissed new U.S. sanctions targeting its government and central bank, calling the measures "psychological war." Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said Tuesday Iran has no financial transactions with the United States and that the sanctions will have no effect.

His comments come a day after U.S. President Barack Obama released an executive order giving U.S. banks new powers to freeze Iranian government assets. Mr. Obama cited "deceptive practices" by Iranian banks to conceal transactions as well as the "continuing and unacceptable risk" that Iran\'s activities pose to the global financial system.The United States and European Union have tightened economic sanctions on the Iranian central bank and Iran\'s oil industry in recent weeks to pressure Tehran to stop uranium enrichment - a process that has military and civilian applications. Iran says its nuclear program is for civilian purposes.The White House said Monday the sanctions have had a "significant impact" on the Iranian economy and have helped worsen tensions among Iranian leaders.



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