
英语翻译 2019-08-12 12:12:42 99

A top United Nations official has assured officials in Burma that the U.N.\'s commitment to reforms in the Southeast Asian country is firm. Under Secretary-General Vijay Nambiar told a policy development conference in the capital of Naypytaw that the U.N. stands ready to help Burma "catch up with the changing world" by redoubling efforts to help the government better the lives of the population.The three-day conference that began Monday is being held to discuss policy options, priorities and institutional reforms for accelerating development in Burma. It brings together more than 40 national and international experts who will participate in panel debates sharing national, regional and other country experiences.

In recent months, Burma has freed a number of political prisoners, including opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who was under house arrest and now plans to run for parliament. It has also opened peace talks with ethnic rebels and loosened controls on the media.Critics of Burma say despite the transition from military to civilian rule, Burmese generals still dominate parliament and politics.



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