
英语翻译 2019-08-12 06:12:53 84

U.S. officials say the United States and China have agreed to coordinate their response to a scheduled North Korean missile launch that has overshadowed this week\'s nuclear security summit in Seoul. An aide to U.S. President Barack Obama says Chinese President Hu Jintao expressed his nation\'s "serious concern" about the planned launch at a one-on-one meeting with Mr. Obama on Monday. Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes briefed reporters on the meeting. He said Mr. Hu told the U.S. president that China has already expressed its concern to Pyongyang. He said the two leaders agreed to consider what steps to take next if the launch goes ahead.
In remarks Sunday, Mr. Obama had urged China to stop turning a blind eye to North Korea\'s nuclear defiance and use its influence to rein in Pyongyang\'s nuclear ambitions. China is North Korea\'s main ally and trading partner, but Beijing says its political influence over Pyongyang is limited. In a speech at Hankuk University in Seoul earlier Monday, Mr. Obama warned Pyongyang that it could continue down the road it is on, but that would lead to more broken dreams, more isolation and ever more distance between the people of North Korea and the dignity and opportunity they deserve.


朝鲜导弹发射 朝鲜最新导弹发射 朝鲜又发射导弹了 朝鲜再发射导弹 朝鲜有导弹吗 朝鲜的弹道导弹 朝鲜试射近程导弹 朝鲜核导弹 朝鲜向中国发射导弹


