
英语翻译 2019-08-12 00:12:51 108

A top U.S. envoy says ongoing talks with North Korea on deliveries of 240,000 metric tons of emergency American food aid are making progress, but says details remain to be settled.U.S. negotiator Robert King spoke Thursday in Beijing, where negotiations opened earlier this week. Ahead of the talks, U.S. envoys said they would seek agreement on measures guaranteeing the aid goes to those most in need and is not diverted to the North\'s political elite or its military. Asked Thursday whether he was confident of receiving those guarantees, King said yes.

美国首席特使表示,与朝鲜进行的美方提供24万吨紧急粮食援助的谈判取得了进展,但双方仍有待解决细节问题。美国谈判代表罗伯特.金是星期四在北京讲这番话的。美朝本星期早些时候在北京举行了谈判。美国官员在会谈开始前曾表示,他们将试图就一些措施达成协议,确保援助能送到最需要的人手中,而不会落入到高级官员或军队手中。罗伯特 金星期四表示,他有信心这些承诺能够兑现。

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