
英语翻译 2019-08-11 18:12:45 90

Senior Chinese officials are hinting that U.S. technology giant Apple is at risk of losing its trademark dispute with a company in the southern city of Shenzhen that claims ownership of the iPad name in China. Officials with the nation\'s commerce ministry and its trademark office told reporters Tuesday they regard Shenzhen-based Proview Technology as the rightful owner of the iconic trademark.

Proview\'s Taiwanese subsidiary registered the trademark more than a decade ago, long before Apple developed its popular tablet computer. Apple purchased the rights from Proview in 2009, but Proview says Apple failed to register the trademark in mainland China. The U.S.-based firm has been engaged in a lengthy court battle with financially troubled Proview over the trademark. Analysts say Tuesday\'s comments could place more pressure on Apple to settle the dispute.



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