India\'s foreign minister says he has received U.S. assurances of the Indian community\'s safety, following the killing of six worshippers at a Sikh temple in U.S. state of Wisconsin.
S.M. Krishna told reporters in New Delhi on Tuesday that he urged the full protection of all places of worship in the United States during a phone conversation with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton late Monday.
The foreign minister said Clinton, who is on a visit to South Africa, assured him that the Indian community\'s interests "is going to be quite safe under the present administration." Krishna said the secretary of state was "as disturbed as any one of us is in India."
Authorities say a gunman Sunday killed five men and one woman at the temple near Wisconsin\'s capital, Milwaukee, before he was shot dead by police.
Officials have identified as 40-year-old Wade Michael Page. They say he served in the U.S. Army for about six years in the 1990s before being discharged for misconduct.
印度外长克里希纳说,他得到美国保障印度社区安全的承诺。星期天,美国威斯康辛州的一座锡克庙发生枪击案,6名去做礼拜的信徒被打死。克里希纳星期二在新德里对记者说,他在星期一晚上和美国国务卿克林顿通电话时敦促美国充分保护所有宗教场所。他说,正在南非访问的克林顿向他保证说,印度社区的利益“在现政府执政时期是十分安全的。” 克里希纳还说,克林顿国务卿“和我们所有印度人一样对此感到不安”。
希拉里与克林顿 克林顿 女国务卿 美国国务卿 比尔克林顿 美国总统 基辛格在美国出名吗 美国国防部长 美国外交部长叫什么版权声明