U.S. Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan has promised an end to "excuses and idle words" when it comes to the economy if voters elect the party\'s presidential candidate Mitt Romney in November election.
Ryan gave a strongly-worded acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention Wednesday night.
Ryan told the convention that "fear and division" is all the Democratic party has left, chastising U.S. President Barack Obama and his fellow Democrats for spending the past four years blaming others for problems instead of finding solutions.
Ryan said he and Mr. Romney will "meet serious challenges in a serious way" but warned the country\'s economic problems are so big that there is not much time to fix them.
The 42-year-old lawmaker from Wisconsin has energized conservative activists, even though he has come under fire for his proposals to impose deep cuts in social programs.
美国共和党候选人 特朗普共和党候选人 2020年共和党候选人 2020美国共和党候选人 共和党 共和党2020参选 共和党候选人 墨西哥 共和党主席 特朗普共和版权声明