
英语翻译 2019-08-11 06:12:18 81

Republicans preparing for the party convention, next week, have adopted a platform, or statement of beliefs, that includes a call for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.

The party\'s anti-abortion pledge does not include exceptions in cases of rape or incest, putting it at odds with the views of likely Republican nominee Mitt Romney.  The platform also calls for a constitutional amendment that would grant an unborn child a fundamental right to life that cannot be infringed.  Candidates are not required to support their party\'s statement of beliefs

The platform was approved on Tuesday, the same day that Republican Congressman Todd Akin announced he would remain in the race for a Senate seat in (the midwestern state of) Missouri.  Akin had come under harsh criticism for his remarks earlier this week that "legitimate rape" does not lead to an unwanted pregnancy.

Many Republican leaders, including Romney himself, demanded that Akin withdraw from the race, fearing the controversy would endanger the party\'s chances of taking control of the Senate.





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