
英语翻译 2019-08-10 18:12:33 129

** Brahimi: Without Diplomacy, Syria Conflict May Kill 100,000**
International peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi has warned 100,000 people could die in Syria in the next year unless world powers press the Syrian government and rebels to negotiate an end to their 21-month conflict.
Speaking Sunday in Cairo, Brahimi said the warring sides are not speaking to each other, despite his recent intensified diplomatic efforts to promote a peace plan approved by world and regional powers last June in Geneva.  The U.N.-Arab League envoy said "help is needed from the outside" to start a Syrian national dialogue based on that plan.
The Brahimi  says the situation in Syria is deteriorating and if the civil war continues, Syria will turn into a Somalia-style failed state ruled by warlords.
The Geneva plan calls for all sides in Syria to end hostilities, enter a national dialogue, and form a transitional government leading to new elections.  It says nothing about the fate of President Bashar al-Assad, an omission that appears to have stalled its progress.
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