U.S. President Barack Obama is due to meet at the White House Friday with top Republican and Democratic lawmakers to discuss a last-ditch effort to avoid across-the-board budget cuts scheduled to take effect before the day is over.
The meeting is largely viewed as symbolic, after dueling bills to avoid the cuts were defeated in the Senate Thursday, making $85 billion in automatic spending cuts appear inevitable once the Friday deadline passes.
President Obama has said the effects of the cuts on federal agencies - most notably defense, infrastructure spending, public schools and preschool care - will not be felt immediately, but instead will have what he calls a "tumble downward" effect. That means, the longer the cuts remain in place, the worse the damage they will cause.
Defense employees are expected to be forced to take unpaid time off work, while funding for big infrastructure projects will eventually halt.
奥巴马总统曾经表示,削减联邦各机构开支的影响不会立即被感受到,但将产生他称作的 "逐渐下滑 "的效应。那就是开支削减持续的时间越长,造成的损害就越大。最受到关注的是国防、基础设施经费、公立学校和学前教育等领域。
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