South Korea showed off a new cruise missile on Thursday that defense officials say has the ability to strike "anywhere at anytime" in North Korea.
Seoul\'s military is on a heightened state of alert after North Korea\'s latest nuclear test, which prompted international condemnation and raised tensions on the Korean peninsula.
Defense Ministry spokesperson touted the pinpoint accuracy of the missile, which he says has now been officially deployed.
The Defense Ministry did not specify the exact range of the missile, but released footage of it being launched from a submarine and destroyer and hitting precision targets on land.
South Korea reached a deal last year with the United States to expand the range of its ballistic missiles - a move Seoul says is necessary to counter the growing threat of Pyongyang\'s weapons.
Washington has reassured its allies in the region of its commitment to their security following North Korea\'s nuclear test on Tuesday. President Barack Obama pledged protection under the U.S. "nuclear umbrella" during a telephone call Wednesday with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
朝鲜反舰弹道导弹 朝鲜陆基超音速巡航导弹 朝鲜新型导弹 朝鲜巡航导弹 朝鲜反舰巡航导弹 朝鲜反舰导弹 朝鲜 短程导弹 朝鲜试射近程导弹 朝鲜中程导弹版权声明