
英语翻译 2019-08-10 06:12:20 72

U.S. officials say a new government report details the threat hackers pose to the nation\'s economy, with China a clear leader among countries carrying out cyber attacks.

Officials have described the classified "National Intelligence Estimate" to U.S. media, including The Washington Post, which said late Sunday hackers are targeting the energy, finance, information technology, aerospace and automotive sectors.

Some estimates put the cost to the U.S. economy at tens of billions of dollars each year.  But, with some companies reluctant to report when they are hacked, the true cost is not known.

The White House is weighing how to respond, with options including possible trade actions and visa restrictions.  The Washington Post says President Barack Obama is expected to issue an executive order on cyber security this week aimed at helping the private sector protect against hacking attempts.


美国官员向包括华盛顿邮报在内的美国媒体说明了加密的“国家情报机构对电脑黑客威胁的评估情况”。华盛顿邮报星期天晚间说, 电脑黑客入侵能源、财经、信息技术、航天以及汽车制造等部门的网站。



美国政府关门有什么用 美国政府 美国政府组成 美国政府的中心是 美国政府停摆 美国政府关门 美国政府网站 美国政府机构 美国政府的三个部门


