Brazil\'s president has called for an emergency Cabinet meeting to discuss an intensifying protest movement that has not slowed down despite government concessions.
At least one million protesters rallied in dozens of cities across Brazil Thursday, including at least 300,000 in Rio de Janeiro where police fired tear gas to contain the crowds.
Protesters also stormed the foreign ministry in the capital, Brasilia, throwing burning objects and firecrackers into the building before being repelled by police.
President Dilma Rousseff will meet with several government ministers early Friday to discuss how to respond to the protests, the country\'s biggest in two decades. She has already called off a trip to Japan planned for next week.
This week\'s protests were originally triggered by an increase in bus and subway fares, but protesters have since focused on what they say is the government\'s neglect of public services, high taxes, and rampant corruption.
星期五清晨,罗塞夫总统将会见几名政府部长, 讨论如何应对巴西20年来规模最大的抗议活动。此外,罗塞夫还取消了计划下星期对日本的访问。
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