
英语翻译 2019-08-09 06:12:15 110

U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin are still at odds over a potential strike on Syria, after discussing the issue on the sidelines of the G20 ((Group of 20)) economic summit in Russia.

In a Friday news conference, Mr. Obama said his conversation with Mr. Putin was "candid" and "constructive." But he added that he did not believe the talk would change Russia\'s opposition to any foreign military intervention in Syria.

Mr. Obama is trying to win international support for military action to punish Syria\'s government for an alleged chemical attack that killed more than 1,400 people in August. The U.S. president said he would address the American people about the issue Tuesday night and continue to work with Congress on a resolution authorizing military action.

The president said most world leaders attending a G20 dinner, and discussions that continued into the early morning hours Friday, were "comfortable" with the U.S. conclusion that the Syrian government was responsible for the attack. He said the leaders were "unanimous"  in believing that international norms against the use of chemical weapons had to be maintained.

However, he said world powers were divided on launching military action without going through the United Nations Security Council.

Mr. Putin said any foreign strike on Syria would be "illegal."  He said the chemical attack was a "provocation" by opposition fighters in Syria who are receiving foreign support.

Mr. Putin said leaders from India, Indonesia, South Africa and India were among those who spoke against any military intervention at Thursday\'s G20 dinner.

奥巴马总统在星期五的记者会上说,他与普京总统的对话是“坦诚的”和“具有建设性的。” 但是他补充说,他不相信谈话会改变俄罗斯反对任何外国军事干预叙利亚的立场。
奥巴马总统说, 大多数参加G20峰会晚宴的领导人,以及在星期五早上持续举行的讨论中,都没有对美国关于叙利亚应对化武攻击行动负责的结论感到不安。他说,各国领导人一致认为,必须坚持反对使用化学武器的国际规范。

普京 普京语出惊人 美国攻打叙利亚新闻 叙利亚击落俄 美国攻击叙利亚新闻 俄军机被击落一事 俄军机被叙政府击落 俄军机被土耳其击落 美国打叙利亚


