
英语翻译 2019-08-09 06:12:11 230

E-mail Service Linked to Snowden Suspends Service  

An encrypted e-mail service in the United States, believed to have been used by U.S. leaker Edward Snowden, has shut down in what appears to be response to pressure from the government.

The e-mail company Lavabit posted a message on its website saying the service is being suspended. Owner and operator Ladar Levison wrote in the message that he cannot share the reason because of U.S. laws against it. He said he had twice made "the appropriate requests" to share the information.

The message said the company has begun preparation for a court battle, and warned others against "anyone trusting their private data to a company with physical ties to the United States."

Before its suspension, Lavabit promised its users that all e-mail sent from its servers would be encrypted in such a way that the emails could only be read by providing the user\'s password.

A second service, known as Silent Circle, has since also suspended operations.


电子邮件公司拉维毕特Lavabit在其网站上发布了关闭服务的消息。公司所有者和经营商拉达尔•利维森(Ladar Levison)在这则信息中说,他不能透露关闭原因,否则有违美国法律。他表示,他已经两度就披露这方面的信息提出了“适当的请求”。



另一个名为“静音圈”(Silent Circle)的电邮服务也已经停止运行。

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