Britain says it plans to introduce a U.N. Security Council resolution Wednesday that condemns the alleged chemical attack by Syrian forces and authorizes "necessary measures to protect civilians."
A United Nations team investigating the attack near Damascus resumed its work Wednesday, a day after postponing its on-site investigation because of security concerns.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called on the U.N. Security Council to "find unity" on the situation in Syria, and said the U.N. team in Syria needs time to do its work.
Mr. Ban said in a speech Wednesday in The Hague that the latest escalation in Syria has caused "horrendous casualties" and produced images unlike any the world has seen this century. He strongly criticized the use of chemical weapons, saying any deployment, at any time, under any circumstances would represent "an atrocious violation of international law."
Syria has denied carrying out a chemical attack.
与此同时, 联合国秘书长潘基文敦促联合国安理会在叙利亚局势问题上“达成一致”,他说,联合国调查组正在大马士革附近调查上星期据称发生的化学武器袭击事件,调查组需要时间来完成他们的工作。
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