
英语翻译 2019-08-09 00:12:35 363

Syrian activists say at least 100 people have been killed in a government offensive near the capital, Damascus, where forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad are alleged to have used chemical weapons.
Syria quickly denied allegations of a chemical attack.  State media reported military activity in the area, saying that government forces had killed "terrorists" - a term used to refer to rebels opposed to Mr. Assad.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the military fired rockets at sites in Eastern Ghouta and Western Ghouta.  It cited activists in the area who said "poisonous gasses" were used.
Britian and the Arab League have called on Syria to allow U.N. invesigators already in the country to examine sites of the alleged chemical attacks.
British Foreign Secretary William Hague said he was "deeply concerned" about the reported chemical attacks, and said if proven true, they represent a "shocking escalation."  He said Britain will refer the matter to the U.N. Security Council.
The violence comes as United Nations chemical weapons inspectors carry out a two-week mission in Syria to investigate earlier incidents in which the Syrian government and rebels accused each other of carrying out chemical attacks

叙利亚政府立即对这种说法予以否认。 叙利亚国营媒体报道了大马士革附近的军事活动,说政府军消灭了恐怖主义分子。 当局一直将反对阿萨德的反叛者称作恐怖主义分子。
英国外交大臣黑格说, 他对有关叙利亚军队使用化学武器的说法非常担心。如果被证明确有发生,这就意味着冲突令人震惊地升级了。他说,英国将在联合安理会提出这一问题。

叙利亚使用化学武器了吗 英法美叙利亚化学武器 美国宣布叙利亚有化学武器 化学武器对叙利亚 叙利亚化学武器袭击 叙利亚的确一直用化学武器 伊拉克化学武器 销毁叙利


