North Korea has responded with softer than usual language to an annual U.S.-South Korea war exercise that began this week.
The Ulchi Freedom Guardian drill that began Monday is regularly slammed by Pyongyang officials, who consider it a preparation for invasion.
The North\'s Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea on Tuesday mentioned the exercise, but did not specifically criticize it.
The statement instead blasted South Korean President Park Geun-hye for saying last week Seoul should remain on guard and "not forget about war," despite a recent reduction in tensions.
Though it did not mention her by name, the statement said Ms. Park\'s comments "chill the atmosphere for dialogue." It warned of "uncontrollably catastrophic consequences" if the South continues to "pursue confrontation."
声明没有直接点朴槿惠的名字,但是表示这种言论不利于“对话的气氛”。声明警告说,如果韩国继续“寻求对抗”,将会产生“不可控制的灾难性后果”。 朝鲜的大规模联合军演 朝鲜最大规模军演 联合军演 朝鲜试射导弹回应美韩联合军演 中国对朝鲜施压 朝鲜人民军军演 大规模联合军演 中国朝鲜中止 朝鲜新闻