
英语作文 2019-07-16 06:13:20 112

Dear Classmates,

This letter is to inform that our class is going to hold a charity bazaar for the needy children in rural area of our province who have dropped out of school because their parents cannot afford their education. This activity will be held on our school’s playground on next Monday, January 21.

 It is all acknowledged that children are considered as flowers and future of our nation; however, because of poverty, poor kids in remote villages lost their learning opportunities which are crucial for their personal growth, their current residence and sound development of the whole society.Correspondingly, it is without doubt a noble cause to donate money to needy children.

Further detailed information about the sales activity will be available as soon as a favorable reply is received at cs@163.com. Any volunteer who is willing to participate will be warmly welcomed.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

文都考研班多少钱 文都考研 海文和文都考研哪个好 文都考研怎么样 文都考研靠谱吗 文都考研价目表 考研新东方还是文都好 文都考研辅导班 高联考研


