小学生应该远离网络 Primary Students Should Keep Far from the Internet

英语作文 2019-08-01 06:12:06 96

The Internet becomes very popular in our life. It brings many advantages, but I think we primary students should keep far from the Internet.Firstly, we shouldfocus on our study, so we can’t spend too much time on the Internet. We can beeasily addicted to it. Secondly, there is much harmful information on theInternet. They would do harm to us. Finally, surfing the Internet for too longis harmful to our eyesight. Therefore, primary students should stay far fromthe Internet.


网络对小学生的好处 小学生该不该上网 小学生使用网络的好处 小学生远离网络的演讲稿 小学生沉迷网络手抄报 小学生应该远离网络 小学生该不该上网反方 小学生利用网


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