Wang Junkai 王俊凯

英语作文 2019-07-29 06:12:23 130

Many years ago, the young idol group called TF boys started to be noticed by the public. Today, this group is famous around the world. Wang Junkai is the captain of the group, and he is favored by a lot of young people. He is good at singing and dancing. What\'s more, he has made achievement in TV shows. He has a bright future. 
很多年前,一个叫做TF boys的年轻偶像团队开始受到大众的关注,今天,这个团队在全世界都很出名。王俊凯是这个团队的队长,他受到很多年轻人的喜爱。他擅长唱歌和跳舞,而且他在电视节目上也取得了一些成绩。他的前途一片光明

王俊凯 王源王俊凯 王俊凯是哪里人 王俊凯王源易烊千玺 王俊凯易烊千玺 王源 王俊凯现在在哪里 王源王俊凯不要 好深 王俊凯多高了


上一篇:Winter 冬天

