英勇事迹 A Heroic Act

英语作文 2019-07-23 12:13:19 118

Zheng Yi Long, an armed policeofficer, risked his life to rescue a drowning man, which greatly moved manyresidents. Unfortunately he was washed away and lost his own life. He was alsohighly respected for his heroic act.


In spite of the fact that herisked being killed in the rescue work, he still jumped in without anyhesitation seeing someone struggling in the rapid water. Zheng is really a herowho does deserve to be honored.


Society has become increasinglycommercialized, where many people have lost some of the Chinese virtues as theyseek too much in material life. I am convinced that Zheng will help raisepeople’s awareness of their duty to help others. His spirit of trying to saveothers at the cost of his own life will always push us to offer our hands tothose in trouble.


As a young student, I stronglysuggest that we young people should learn from Zheng who has set a good examplefor us. Actually it is the spirit of helping each other that contributes to aharmonious society.


英勇事迹的故事 英勇救人的事迹 关于刘胡兰的英勇事迹 英雄的事迹 现代英雄事迹有哪些 现代英雄事迹 为国牺牲的英雄事迹 有关英雄人物的事迹有哪些 舍己救人的英雄


