传统字典是否会被电子字典取代?Will Electronic Dictionaries Kill the Traditional Ones?

英语作文 2019-07-22 06:13:04 132

Alongwith the development of science and electronic technology, electronic dictionaryhas been a popular and useful tool in our lives. Therefore, some people suspectthat electronic dictionaries will kill the traditional ones in the future.However, in my opinion, it will not happen.


Thereare a few reasons accounting for my view. First, traditional dictionaries arecheaper than electronic ones. For most people who use dictionaries most often,especially students, it is too expensive to buy and use electronic ones.Second, traditional dictionaries have another value that cannot be replaced—itcan be collected into our bookshelves or libraries, but electronic ones will notbe collected as it’s too expensive and wasteful. Third, keeping traditionaldictionaries has been a habit for many scholars and teachers, so they will notbe easy to get rid of it.


Althoughelectronic dictionaries have played an important role in our study and work andwe often use it, I am still convinced that traditional dictionaries have itsown unique value that cannot be replaced. Therefore, it is quite impossiblethat traditional dictionaries will be killed by electronic ones.


字典 英汉字典电子字典 使用传统字典和电子字典 电子字典和纸质字典的不同 电子字典和纸质字典 纸质字典好还是电子字典好 如何把纸质字典变成电子字典 电子字典会杀


