博物馆免费开放 Free Admission to Museum

英语作文 2019-07-22 00:13:04 117

Inrecent years, the increasing number of museums in our country is allowed tovisit for free. This phenomenon has aroused a heated discussion around all overthe country and the advocates and the opponents have both given strongarguments concerning it.


Onthe one hand, those who have already benefited from practicing it sing highlypraise of it. They claim that allowing people to come to and visit museums is agood way to know our national history and spread and inherit our nationalculture. People who have access to get into museums will have more chance toknow and understand our own culture and history better. In addition, they pointout that it is an important and a good way of national education. Throughvisiting museums, students can be cultivated to treat things objectively androundly, especially for historical matters. What’s more, visiting museum,especially historical museums, is a good choice to development the proud andhonor of our nation.


However,on the other hand, some opponents argue that the museum itself and itstreasures will suffer from destroy and even loss if a large number of peopleare allowed to come to and visit museum at the same time. And they also figureout that if there is no necessary and enough instructions and education, freeadmission to museum will not have an obvious impact on instructing andeducating.


Iwould have to say that, free admission to museum is a progressive measure tospread our history and culture, but meanwhile, we have to consider and avoidthe troubles it will bring to.


博物馆免费开放的好处 免费博物馆 博物馆 博物馆免费开放政策时间 参观博物馆 博物馆收费吗 上海博物馆日免费开放 博物馆免费开放日 博物馆日免费门票


