养宠物是项大工程 Keeping Pets Is Not an Easy Project

英语作文 2019-07-21 00:13:48 111

Haveyou ever kept pets? Have you ever suffered a lot when your pets brought muchtrouble? Have you ever wanted to abandon them after suffered a lot from them?In my opinion, keeping pets is not an easy project.


Forone thing, a lot of energy and time will be consumed if you decide to keep pets.To take care of pets is mostly similar to taking care of men. What you need todo every day is simple but patience-needed, feeding them regularly, cleaningthem now and then and preventing them breaking other objects. These triflematters are so time-consumed, let alone they get disease or bring disaster.


Foranother, a lot of money is needed to take good care of your pets. For example,you are demanded to take them to be vaccinated regularly in case they getdisease and virus. In addition, to look after them well, you need to choosesuitable food for them and buy some necessary appliance for them. In the longterm, these will not be a small cost.


Inshort, keeping pets needs a lot of energy, time and money. Therefore, thinkagain before you decide to keep them.


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