读研还是找工作 Attend Graduate School or Find a Job

英语作文 2019-07-20 18:14:01 95

It has always been a hot topic whethercollegians should go on study at a graduate school or just find a job when theygraduate. Some people think that students should broaden their knowledge circleand attend graduate school. Some hold that students should find a job to make aliving. In my point of view, I’m for the former for I think student should keepon study to get more knowledge.


To begin with, most students in collegejust have a comprehensive knowledge which is not professional, so they shouldkeep on studying to become an expert in certain field. If they go to find a jobafter graduate, they may do a bad performance in the job because of thepertinency of the job. Therefore, students should attend graduate school afterthey graduate.


Second, collegians can get a better paidjob in the future if they attend graduate school. Generally, there are too manyjob seekers with bachelor’s degree, so they are paid little when they find jobsat the first time. However, students with master’s degree are paid more thanthe bachelor’s degree when they find a job for the first time. Moreover, manycompanies prefer to hire students with a higher degree, so the master’s degreeholders will be the priority of recruiters compared with the bachelors.


In conclusion, when students graduate, itis good for them to attend graduate school in order to become more professionalin their area and get a better job in the future.


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