分数之我见My View on Grades

英语作文 2019-07-20 06:13:52 357

Almost all students pay great attention ongrades because those who get high scores are considered as winners. Hence, studentsare trying their best to get high grades. Some people argue that high scoresstand for students’ ability. Some people believe that scores not equal to students’ability to handle things. In my opinion, I think that grades have nothing to dowith ability. Reasons are listed below.


First of all, grades can’t representstudents’ ability to handle things. Most tests need students to recite things.Those who have good memory can get good scores from this kind of test. However,our society needs talents who have great skills in handling things which we canobtain by experience rather than getting good scores by testing. On this point,scores can’t prove students’ practical ability.


Secondly, grades can be faked. It is acommon phenomenon that many students will cheat in the exams. In order to gethigh scores, students will use every possible means to cheat in the exam. So,scores are not trustable.


In conclusion, scores stand for nothingrelated to students’ practical ability. Besides, we can’t believe gradesbecause they could be faked.


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