大学生课外阅读的好处The Benefit of Reading Outside the College

英语作文 2019-07-18 10:16:11 163

大学生课外阅读的好处The Benefit of Reading Outside the College

With the development of technology, today, people has many fast ways to have access to the knowledge, such as click on the computer, what we want to know can immediately present in front of us. The fast reading way is very convenient, but students start to read outside the college less, because it takes time. Readingoutside the college is necessary, we can’t ignore.


First, reading outside the college can broaden our visional field. What we learn from class is limited, we need to read as more as possible to fulfill our mind. So when we do some research paper, we will have different ideas and provide some creativity. What’s more, such books are interesting, we will have fun outside the class.


Second, reading outside the college can cultivate people’s reading behavior. We read in school because we are forced, we have teachers to look at us. Once we are out of school, no one’s watching us, we’ll leave the books behind easily. Books are profound and we can gain much knowledge, we need to read them all the time, the reading behavior should be cultivated.


Readingis important to us, we should increase interest in reading outside the college.


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