初中英语作文:考试作弊之我见 My View on Cheating in Exam

英语作文 2019-08-14 06:12:48 89

Asstudents, we all want to get high scores in exams, which requires us trying ourbest to work. However, some students do not work hard in usual but they stillexpect good performance. Therefore, some of them choose to cheat in exams. I don’tthink it’s a good way. Firstly, it’s not right to cheat, which is a personalquality problem. Secondly, scores do not mean everything. Although you get higherscores by cheating, you can’t get knowledge. Finally, cheating will have a badimpact on you. Teachers and students may look at in different views. Therefore,I don’t agree to cheat in exams. We all should be honest.


考试作弊会被 考试作弊之我见2000 考试作弊原因之我见 考试作弊之我见800字 考试作弊之我见2000字 有关考试作弊的论文 考试作弊之我见的作文 考试作弊反


