
英语作文 2019-08-14 06:12:46 63

 Donated school supplies

     Today, the school held a Chongshan for the poor children of mountain activities to donate school supplies.
    Section II class, students stand in the playground a good team. The leadership of the school saw the podium, next to the podium placed in schools with school supplies donated by each class, which is two days before the students have their own school supplies donated to the school to prepare students to the mountains , here are my mountain of the students came to buy a pencil, eraser, notebook and so on. Activities began, the principal began his speech: "We are the activities for the poor mountain students donated school supplies. Students in comparison with them, everyone is so happy. And they did not have money to go to school, can only work to help parents make money. They would like to study how ah ... .... "talking heads touching words, when I saw the poor as if the students have received a mountain of these items donated by the smiling faces of joy and a pleasure to go to school carrying a bag of background, I can not help but feel the pride and excitement. I would like to: those children born in poverty in the village of the hill, I would like to go to school every day, to them it is a hope, even on the science, you have to take on the shoulders of young city children more than the burden of the family. I remember seeing in the newspaper a letter from the poor mountain children, the letter called: "The people who can not choose, they can change the life, I would like to change their own destiny, but there is no read, no knowledge, can not change anything. I would like to study, I would like to read! "
    Through today\'s activities make me feel that those of us living in the city children, living in well-being, the longer the red flag, is in the golden age of life. Learning in this beautiful environment, more time should treasure and cherish life, love of learning, in science and continue to explore the road ahead, in order to contribute to the prosperity of the motherland\'s a strength!
    第二节课堂上,学生站在操场上一支很好的球队。学校领导看到了领奖台,与旁边的每个类,这是前两天的学生拥有自己的学校捐赠了学习用品中学的讲台用品捐赠给学校的学生准备的山区,这里是我的山区的学生来此买一支铅笔,橡皮,笔记本等。活动开始时,校长开始了他的讲话:“我们是为贫困山区学生的活动捐赠的学习用品。与它们相比,学生,每个人都非常高兴。他们没有钱去上学,只能工作,帮助父母赚钱。他们希望研究如何啊... ....“会说话的头动听的言辞,当我看到穷人,如果学生收到了由微笑的喜悦和高兴这些项目面临的捐赠山区上学携带袋的背景,我不禁感到的自豪和兴奋。我想:出生在贫困的山村的孩子,我想上学,每天,他们希望这是一个即使在科学,你必须要对年轻的城市儿童的肩膀上以上家庭的负担。我记得在报纸上从贫困山区孩子的信中看到,信中称:“谁的人不能选择,他们可以改变人生,我想改变自己的命运,但没有读,没有知识,不能改变任何东西。我想学习,我想读!“



