快乐的一天 A Happy Day

英语作文 2019-08-13 12:12:18 145

Todayis as normal as usual, but I am very happy today. I help an old granny. When I tookbus to school this morning, an old granny sat next to me. She was so graciousthat looked like my own grandmother. She talked to me. Suddenly, she had acough and then she seemed can’t breathe. I told the driver stop the busimmediately and then dialed 120 to call an ambulance. The ambulance arrived quickly.I went to the hospital with her. I help her called her son. After checking, theold granny relapsed but not very serious. When her son came, he thanked for meto call the ambulance. Seeing the old granny is fine, I leave and go to school.I was late for school, but I explained everything to my school. My teacherpraised me. I am happy I could help others.


我快乐的一天 快乐的一天 快乐的一天100 快乐的一天开始了 快乐的一天200 快乐的一天300 快乐的一天600字的 快乐的一天作文 五一快乐的一天


