
应试教育 2024-04-26 13:00:12 60


  • 北师大王蔷:跨学科主题学习是什么,为什么,怎么做(上篇)

  • 英语作文纸(可打印)

  • 英语公开课听课、评课模板

  • 普通班还是最适合PPP教学法







Transition language that guides students in speaking


1. 我从你闪亮的眼中看出,你有和其他同学不一样的看法,勇敢地站起来,说说你的想法。

2. 对于刚才的问题大家有什么想法?我看这位同学神色很犹豫,你要不要勇敢一点,来试试呢?请大家给他一点掌声!

3. 刚才大家听得那么专注,一定有不少自己的感悟吧?有没有哪位同学愿意分享一下自己的感受?

4. 学习要善于观察,你从这个段落(这道题中)观察出了哪些信息?

5. 这个问题提得很有意思,大家能不能围绕他的问题展开思考,试着说一说可能的原因?

6. 你刚才的发言很有质量,老师之前都没有想到过这个方面。对于他的问题大家有什么想法呢?我们能不能齐心协力解决这个难题?

7. “近水楼台先得月”,请离我最近的你回答这个问题。


1. I can see from your shining eyes that you have a different opinion from other students. Stand up courageously and share your thoughts.

2. What do you all think about the question we just discussed? I see this student hesitating. Why don't you be a little brave and give it a try? Let's give him a round of applause!

3. You all were so attentive just now, surely you have some insights of your own? Would any student like to share their feelings with us?

4. Learning requires observation. What information did you observe from this paragraph (or this question)?

5. This is an interesting question. Can we think about it together and discuss possible reasons?

6. Your comment was of high quality, the teacher didn't think of that aspect before. What do you all think about this question? Can we work together to solve this problem?

7. "The one who is closest to the water's edge gets the moon," please answer this question, you who are closest to me.


The transitional language to affirm student speaking


1. “纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。”我应该向作者学习,也应该向你学习,因为你会读书,能够读出文字背后的声音。

2. 让我们一起为这位同学鼓掌!同学们在学习过程中,也要敢于猜想,善于猜想,这样才能有所发现,有所创造!

3. 说得真好,一听就知道你已经完全理解了,所以才能表达得这样自然、流畅。

4. 你回答得真好,看来你真是读懂了作者,走进了他的内心。

5. 我真佩服你,你能把学过的知识都联系起来,这是一种非常难得的读书方法。

6. 你的看法比较独特,你能联系上下文谈自己的理解,这是很好的阅读方法。

7. 你真让人感动,老师喜欢你的敢想、敢说、敢问和敢辩,希望你继续保持下去。

8. 你刚才的表达思路清晰,观点正确,看得出来你在课前做了很扎实的预习工作,你的学习态度值得我们学习!

9. 你预习得可真全面,自主学习的能力很强,课下把你的学习方法介绍给同学们,做一个学习好榜样。

10. 你能大胆提出自己不懂的地方,具有科学家的探索精神,继续努力。


1. "It's easy to understand things on paper, but true understanding comes from practical application." I should learn from the author, but I should also learn from you because you are able to read between the lines and understand the deeper meaning behind the words.

2. Let's give a round of applause for this student! In the process of learning, we should be bold and curious in order to make discoveries and create new things!

3. That was really well said. I can tell just by listening that you truly understand the material and are able to express yourself fluently and naturally.

4. You gave a great answer. It's clear that you really understood the author and were able to get inside their head.

5. I really admire you for being able to connect all the knowledge you've learned, which is a very rare way of reading.

6. Your perspective is quite unique, and it's great how you are able to relate your own understanding of the material to the context.

7. You are truly inspiring. Your teacher likes your courage to think, speak, ask, and argue, and we hope you keep it up.

8. Your expression was clear and your viewpoint was correct. It's obvious that you did solid preparation work before class, and your attitude towards learning is worth emulating!

9. Your preparation was really comprehensive, and your ability to self-learn is strong. Please share your learning methods with your classmates as a model of good learning.

10. Your willingness to ask questions and explore the areas you don't understand is akin to that of a scientist. Keep up the good work!


The transitional language to encourage students with incomplete answers


1. 感谢你的踊跃发言,看得出来你是个积极思考的孩子,不过从同学们的反应看得出来大家的观点有分歧,刚才的表述是不是有可以补充和调整的地方呢?请你再思考一下,哪位同学想做一下补充?

2. 虽然你的回答还有待补充的地方,但你能积极思考,并敢于从全新的角度思考问题,这就很值得鼓励。对于学习来说,思考的过程和结果一样重要。

3. 老师猜测你对这个问题是有清晰的思路的,可是美中不足的是没有表达流畅,能让老师来帮你再复述一次吗?

4. 看来你有和其他同学不一样的看法,这位同学提出的新的观点很有水平,这正是善于思考的结果,哪位同学有不同的观点?

5. 老师真想在下节课看到你更出色的表现,更踊跃,更大胆,更自信!


1. Thank you for your active participation and it's obvious that you're a proactive thinker. However, there seem to be differences in opinions among your classmates. Is there any room for adjustment and clarification in your statements? Please think about it again and see if any of your classmates would like to add some points.

2. Although there are still some areas for improvement in your answer, your active and innovative thinking is commendable. In terms of learning, the process of thinking is just as important as the outcome.

3. The teacher suspects that you have a clear train of thought regarding this question, but the only shortcoming is the lack of fluency in expressing it. Could you please allow the teacher to help you restate it?

4. It seems that you have a different perspective from other students. This student's new point of view is very insightful, which is the result of being good at thinking. Is there any other student with a different opinion?

5. The teacher really hopes to see you excel in the next class - more actively, more boldly, and more confidently!


The transitional language to guide students in reading the text


1. “不动笔墨不读书”,请同学们边读边思考这个问题,在课本上圈点勾画,并批注你自己的体会。

2. “读书百遍,其义自见”,我请同学们再把这部分内容多读几遍,弄懂它的意思。

3. 就这样,我们的灵魂沉浮于字里行间,让心灵浸染在墨韵书香,让朗读荡涤心怀。再读读课文里这段让你感怀的文字。

4. 多么生动的语言,多么富有哲理的语言啊!让我们再一次把它铭记在心吧!一起读……

5. 多了不起,透过这简洁的文字,看到了这么多有意思的画面。让我们边读边想象这样的画面。

6. 多么有趣的对话!让我们来分角色朗读,通过大家的声音赋予文字新的生命吧!

7. 请大家默读课文。有句话说得好,“读书时要特别珍视自己的第一感觉”。请同学们边读边勾画出你印象很深的句子。别忘了在不懂的地方做上记号。

8. 语言是有温度的,是通过字词表现出来的。要通过一个字、一个词、一个句子去细细感受,请同学们默读这段文字。


1. "No writing, no reading." Please read and think about this question, circle and highlight in the textbook, and annotate your own understanding.

2. "Read a hundred times, and the meaning will be clear." I invite my classmates to read this section several times and understand its meaning.

3. In this way, our souls float in the lines and let our hearts be immersed in the book's ink and fragrance, and let recitation cleanse our minds. Read again the text that moves you.

4. What vivid language, what philosophical language! Let us remember it again! Let's read it together...

5. How impressive! Through these concise words, we see so many interesting scenes. Let us imagine these scenes while we read.

6. What an interesting conversation! Let's take on different roles and give new life to the words through our voices!

7. Please read silently. As the saying goes, "When reading, cherish your first feeling." Please circle the sentence that left a deep impression on you and make notes where you didn't understand.

8. Language has temperature and is expressed through words. Let us feel and savor every word, every sentence. Please read this passage silently.


The transitional language for group discussions


1. 面对这样的观点,我们每个人都可能有自己不同的看法,现在请同学们交流讨论,要学人之长、补己之短,同时提出自己的意见。

2. 看似简单的一句话,其实蕴含了一个道理。现在请同学们分小组讨论一下,想想作者想告诉我们什么道理呢?开始吧!

3. 第三组的同学个个眼睛睁得大大的、亮亮的,每个人的观点也很清晰。我感受到你们特别认真,注意力特别集中!

4. 同学们讨论得很热烈,交流得也很充分,相信大家已经都有自己的结论了,赶紧来分享一下吧!

5. 看到大家讨论得这么热烈,相信大家已经碰撞出了很多智慧的火花,哪个小组想先来给我们分享呢?

6. 第一小组的同学已经迫不及待了,那就请你们小组来分享。


1. Faced with such viewpoints, each of us may have our own different opinions. Now let's exchange and discuss, learn from others' strengths and make up for our own weaknesses, while also expressing our own opinions.

2. This seemingly simple sentence actually contains a truth. Now let's divide into groups to discuss and think about what the author wants to tell us. Let's begin!

3. The students in the third group all have their eyes wide open and bright, and each person's viewpoint is very clear. I can feel that you are all very serious and focused!

4. The students are discussing very enthusiastically and communicating extensively. I believe everyone already has their own conclusions, so let's share them now!

5. Seeing everyone discussing so fervently, I believe that many sparks of wisdom have been generated. Which group would like to share first?

6. The first group of students is eager to share, so please come and share.


Thetransitional language used for summarizing at the end of class


1. 请同学们和老师一起回忆一下,咱们本节课都学习了什么内容呢?

2. 感谢同学们和我一起度过了生命中非常宝贵的四十分钟,离别之际,老师送给同学一句话,“读书,既要将厚书读薄,也要将薄书读厚”。

3. 同学们,文学的殿堂美不胜收,只要大家以勤为径,每个人都能领略到无限的美好风光。

4. 本节课,同学们都表现得非常出色,老师相信,只要同学们坚持下去,就可以取得更大的进步,课下同学们也要注意复习巩固本节课的内容,再提前预习一下下节课的内容,一分耕耘,一分收获,同学们加油。

5. 今天,同学们通过自己的努力,发现并学会了这么多知识,老师真为你们骄傲。其实生活中有更多的知识等着咱们去探索、发现,只要我们多用心,就会成长得更快。



1. Can students and teachers recall what we have learned in this class?

2. Thank you, classmates, for spending these precious 40 minutes with me. As we part ways, I would like to share this quote with you: "In reading, one should strive to make broad knowledge shallow and shallow knowledge deep."

3. Dear students, the world of literature is full of beauty and wonder. With diligence, each and everyone of you can appreciate its limitless sceneries.

4. Today, all of you have performed exceptionally well in class. I believe that with continued hard work, you can make even greater progress. Please review and consolidate what we have learned today, and prepare for the next class in advance. As the saying goes, "No pains, no gains." Keep it up, classmates!

5. Today, through your own efforts, you have discovered and learned so much. I am truly proud of you. There is still so much knowledge waiting to be explored and discovered in life. As long as we put in more effort, we will grow faster.

6. Dear students, so many of the knowledge we learn in our daily studies are the result of countless experiments and hard work by our predecessors. It is my hope that in your future studies, you will approach your learning with even more seriousness, continuously exploring and striving for greater progress.

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