
应试教育 2024-04-09 01:00:13 179


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Subject Core Competencies and Goals

1 Subject Core Competencies

The core competencies achieved through the learning of a school subject are the concentrated reflection of the educational value of the subject, which consist of correct values and attitudes, indispensable qualities, and key abilities. The core competencies achieved through the English subject include language ability, cultural awareness, thinking capacity, and learning ability.

1.1 Language ability

Language ability is the ability to understand and express meaning in social contexts by way of listening, speaking, reading, viewing, and writing. Language ability also includes language awareness and a feel for language developed in the course of learning and using English. The English language ability constitutes a foundation for developing the English subject core competencies. The development of language ability entails the improvement in cultural awareness, thinking capacity, and learning ability, which will help students broaden their international horizons, enrich their ways of thinking, and participate in cross-cultural communication.

1.2 Cultural awareness

Cultural awareness consists of an understanding of Chinese and foreign cultures, recognition of excellent cultures, and cross-cultural cognition, attitudes, and behaviors which students demonstrate in the context of globalization. Cultural awareness reflects the value orientation of the English subject core competencies. The development of cultural awareness helps students enhance their national identity and patriotism, increase their cultural confidence, cultivate a sense of community with a shared future for mankind, learn to enhance self-cultivation and function properly in society, and thus become educated and responsible persons.

1.3 Thinking capacity

Thinking capacity refers to students’ skills employed in thinking and the quality of their thinking in terms of logicality, criticality, and innovativeness. Thinking capacity represents the cognitive aspect of the English subject core competencies. Cultivating thinking capacity helps students enhance their ability to analyze and solve problems, observe and understand the world from a cross-cultural perspective, and make correct value judgments on things.

1.4 Learning ability

Learning ability refers to students’ awareness and ability to use and adjust English learning strategies actively, and expand English learning channels so as to increase the efficacy of English learning. Learning ability paves the way for students to develop the English subject core competencies. Developing learning ability helps students manage their English learning autonomously, develop good learning habits, acquire learning resources through multiple channels, and increase learning efficacy.

2 Goals

The general aim of the general senior high school English curriculum is to implement theParty’s education policy comprehensively, cultivate and practice core socialist values, implement the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education, and further promote students’ English subject core competencies on the basis of compulsory education so as to make students become socialist builders and successors with love for China, international vision, and cross-cultural communication abilities.

Based on the general aim of the English curriculum, the specific goals of the English curriculum are to cultivate and develop students’ subject core competencies which include language ability, cultural awareness, thinking capacity, and learning ability. The development of each component of the English subject core competencies is divided into three levels, which are specified in “Appendix I: Levels of the English Subject Core Competencies.” Through the learning of the curriculum, students should be able to achieve the development goals of the core competencies set by the General Senior High School English Curriculum Standards.

2.1 Language ability goals

Students should have a certain degree of language awareness and a feel for the English language, and should be able to integrate the existing language knowledge for use in specific regular contexts, understand the meaning expressed in spoken and written texts, identify the ways of expressing appropriate meanings, and use spoken and written language to express meaning and conduct interpersonal communication effectively.

2.2 Cultural awareness goals

Students should be able to acquire cultural knowledge, understand cultural connotations, compare cultural similarities and differences, take in cultural essence, form correct values, enhance cultural confidence, form good characters of self-esteem, confidence, and self-improvement, and develop skills for cross-cultural communication and the transmission of Chinese culture.

2.3 Thinking capacity goals

Students should be able to understand and analyze specific phenomena related to language and culture, organize and summarize information, construct new concepts, analyze and infer the logic in information, judge all kinds of ideas, and express their own views creatively. Students should develop the ability to think in an open and creative way.

2.4 Learning ability goals

Students are required to establish correct attitudes toward English learning, keep sustained interest in English learning, have clear learning objectives, be able to acquire English learning resources through multiple channels, plan the learning schedule and learning tasks effectively, choose appropriate strategies and methods, monitor, evaluate, reflect on, and adjust learning content and progress, and gradually improve the awareness and ability to use English to learn other school subjects.





1. 语言能力


2. 文化意识


3. 思维品质


4. 学习能力









来源 | 称子英语





The English 素养 in


